Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Blogger Settings Search Preferences

1.Search preferences simply means that here you will set up how search engines should crawl your items, when they should display it to surfers and other such things that are related to it including how your page gets displayed to readers.

Have you tried to search or open a webpage and get this reply "404 page not found" ,yes the page is either down due to server issue or many other reasons. Here google/blogger said you could actually change that generic web parlance of ''404 page not found'' to any other phrase you think is better relieving to your visitors  than just this one common to virtually all websites on-line save recently.

Tip: It's been found that with that default 404 stuff, a visitor is left completely stranded and without any clue of when to check on back or something fun and less moody; even a slight apology.

Example of a page error message(the one i use)

<div class="pagefound">
<div class="links">
<h2>Our bad, page not found!</h2>
<h3>Were you looking for one of these pages?</h3>
<li><a href="http://bloggerdemmy.blogspot.com/2013/12/posts-and-general-introduction.html
"> General introduction</a></li>
<li><a href=http://bloggerdemmy.blogspot.com/2013/12/create-post-with-post-editor.html">Create Post with Blogger Post Edittor</a></li>
<li><a href=http://bloggerdemmy.blogspot.com/2013/12/create-blogger-account.html">How Create Blogger Account</a></li>

What i did here is that instead of having to leave my visitors disheartened with page error,i linked about three other posts here to ensure their comfort (three other posts other than the one looking for when the error occurred ).Unless the entire blog is down that they won't be able to pass through this links, even so, at least,unlike many other pages that will show 404 not found" this one will display " our bad page not found " "were you looking for one of these pages"..........."General Introduction" Create Post With post Editor" etc

All you need do in order to use the above script is to get the links(edit the post you want to use there and click on Links>> permalink on the write end bar of blogger post editor, that should automatically manufacture the link to that very post edited) to the post you want to fix there, you can see my post links, erase them and fix yours and then also replace the titles of my posts: " How To Create Blogger Account", " Create Posts With Post Editor" and the first one i didn't include here, up there,with the titles of the very posts whose links you fixed before NOTE: what your visitors will see instead of the long dirty link is just your post titles ...
To see what i mean, just try visiting this link http://Bloggerdemmy.blogspot.com/43435hsg and then compare it with this one http://Hycinthegbuna.blogspot.com/43543dfdg. You should both get error messages but the difference is now what mine the first one will show you and what this other blog address will display to you. When you want to test this after set up,like i did, enter any numbers at the end of the web or blog address you want to test it with.
 Custom redirect will give you an avenue to be able to keep all your blog contents connected and alive even after say deleting a former post and writing a new one, updating a post, renaming a post or your blog entirely. This is where you link up that former, that deleted post,title,blog or update to the current one. Please note that that you deleted a post, updated one, changed title or your blogs name does not mean that web crawler(what search engines use to index web pages on the web like googlebot) followed suit. No, certainly, even after your change of these mentioned things, in googles account of your contents, they still exist. And if surfers should search for anything related to that your locally deleted stuff,will still be shown to them,but when they now start having issues is after clicking at it. Instead of opening,error message will come up;however if you changed it here,by entering the former link(deleted or changed link) and then entering also the current link in which any search for that old one will be redirected to,that will just automatically happen after search results that surfers gets automatically sent to your revised/changed post even after hitting at the one you obviously have deleted. You don't have to start bothering yourself if you believe that the stuff you amended is unpopular and not getting any reference. But for your popular and well cited posts,ensure you fix this up,if not, although the new/amended title/page will eventually be crawled, every patron/fan of that current page before modification will be lost.

 If you look closely here,you should see the warning message. It's a very technical work here in that this is the place you decide the fate of your blog or certain articles with the world wide web. Google and other search engines represent the key way you get unique/potential users of your articles to come and read by publishing this stuffs on-line and then asking or permitting search engines to index/catalogue them into their. call it ''library'' for showing to people that visit them to look up for such write-ups. And just here is the place for disallowing or granting that your blog and it's content be crawled by web crawlers.This Place Is to be used/touched by a webmasters only,Note!!!

Now for robots.txt,
visit http://your blog adress/robots.txt that will show you what you now will copy and paste into this robots.txt option. What they will show you will look exactly like :

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

Sitemap: http://bloggerdemmy.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=UPDATED
                                    Just past it their and click done

                                  And for Custom robot header tags

                               Enable it and just mark every thing i marked on the below snapshot

And save changes afterwards. That's it you are done!
NOTE:   I advice you set up adsense account (we will discuss it under EARNING PANEL) first before coming to ,in short search preference settings entirely. Let me not exonerate some and denounce others.