1. Set up language and possible transliterations if you so want and the format almost all the aspect of your post body will take ranging from dates and the rest
2.The date on comments readers make. How would you want it appear? just almost the same options you
see daily setting up dates for your phone. things like which should appear first,day, month or year? show only month,year or day?
3.Just the same thing but this one focused on time only
4. Normally, post dates appear before their title on blogger. This is where you set up the format every post date would take. Still like number 2
5. You should know your time zone now. Just click here,scroll down and select your time zone
6. Enable another one language you want to have your visitors capable of reading your post by. This is done by google. So if you are also targeting greeks with you blog, set transliteration to greek. A button prompting visitors to read in greek will be set automatically on your homepage
7. Here you select your own language.