Settings>>Mobile & Email>>>
This is a chance to make possible, email posting.You might, out of one circumstance or other want to publish posts to your blog by email.Provide that address here. Blogger automatically assigned wilywwilson (in the box above) to me because that is the email address i used to sign up with them,but I'm also required
to enter another name in-between the first and last ? so that's it. make one, it's priceless. NOTE: you have to also set whether emailed post will be saved in your own admin database on sent/published to the world wide web instantly,and you can also disable this function entirely.Your choice. Tips: This is ok when you will need the hands of a freelance writer. Instead of having to start sending written articles to your email,it can now be directed to your blog instantly.But make sure any email blogging system that's going to be used by a freelancer is set to ''save'' sent emails for a possible editing/proofreading before now re-publishing it to your readers.Don't make a costly mistake. However, It also depends on how well you know this writer or the relationship that subsists between you two