Their are default blogger gadgets which you add by just clicking add gadget at either of the side bars or page footer bearing ADD A GADGET caption o blogger layout, like in the uppermost sections of both right and left side bars of the above snapshot. Just click and open it to see various A-list gadgets, that's must have
gadgets for every blogger According to Google. Gadgets are web apps widely written by but unlimited to the JavaScript programming language. Gadgets like web documents(HTML) are set of texts and alphanumeric codes that is utterly useless save used on a web page( read by browsers) and through JavaScript gadget. Though their are emerging and emerged gadgets prepared under the CSS3 and JOQUARY web app programming languages, most web pages and of-course blogger pages do not have the technology, pre-formated or predetermined templates construction that would fully read and deliver these awesome new generation apps without first altering it(the template). That's why people most times can go on to edit their HTML coding just to have a feel of this new and extraordinary effects. Their are just too many gadgets,of course written in the most common widget language,JavaScript. From the social network buttons, to share icons, Search this blog, to even the animated images(adsesnse) you see dancing on every web page now and then are all the work of JavaScript(not only JavaScript, but as far as current blogger standard is concern, yes JavaScript) widgets. These widgets can of-course be written by any one with knowledge of JavaScript programming language.the layout is used to offer stand-alone static pages through widgets. Pages concerning just any item/web app,like search box or facebook share or like button that will help you to serve your visitors well and or to expand.Having a flexible layout in blogger, Google equally balanced this flexibility by not limiting your use of widgets to the ones provided default by them, rather, they also allow us to just copy any JavaScript widget code gotten from anywhere or written by self and fix here on our blog if we so wish by using just her javascript reader/widget living among default blogger gadgets
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