Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Blogger Settings Basic

1. like earlier said, settings in blogger is basically strategic minded. That is, it mainly deals with customizing how a blog relates to world wide web. And here now is the basic settings concerning that

2.Title like in the above will just show on it's own.Remember you already filled it at account creation stage. Unless you want to change it

3. A brief description of your blog. Briefly describe what the blog is about. Bloggerdemy is 'A blog about blogger blog tutorials'

4. This is where you choose whether blogger server should queue your page and whether it will or not be found on search engine, like when people google it. So set them as yes

5 publishing has to do with sending your works/activities to the web.This is where you make every settings pertaining to that

6. address: you already chosen one on account creation stage. Unless you so want to change it. Not very good idea anyway..unless you haven't done anything yet.

7.permission like the english meaning is where you declare who and what is privy to your blog and to what extent

8.If your blog will have more than one author/owner,declare it here

9. Blog readers another very decisive setting. Public means that it will be shown to google and that every body can see your work,private is just the opposite. Then another version of privacy is where you restrict your works to certain people that must sign in before they read/see them. You just click add readers. and add them