1. Post are the things you write for people to read whereas comments are their reply after reading them. So this setting actually deals with how theses two activities are carried out
2.Comment moderation makes it possible for you to filter comments people make on your post and then republish/they actually appear below your posts. You have 'never' option,which means don't moderate,the 'sometimes' option,you set the time frame when you are to be automatically notified about comments for filter,and lastly, 'always'. Here an email address is required where every comment alert will be given you for moderation. Remember that moderation of comments is not so cool because your reader might turn back to find out you changed the comment he made
3. Select who will be able to comment below your posts using the comment box. Tips: 'Anyone' will tend to make you popular ,welcoming to everybody and can give you mass loyalty among your audience if you'er able to maintain them tactically. But it will bring about low ranking by google since all manner of human beings will be commenting and you also get more exposed to spamming. Registered users will make you more in control of just about everything,because if you managed to lead your mass audience into registered users, you still should be able to control. You their is also every possiblity that you know your registered users well,it all depends on your visibility policy. About ranking by google,it's pretty cool going with registered users. Users with google account are also very cool.Google ranking altogether. But the big question is,are you the owner of your blog or google, then also reverse the circumstance, if google where blogger and you google would they use your brand as lincence key for blogger users(don't ask me indecises of measure, google exact policies whose principle are very relative to this on a daily basis). Only members of this blog will make it but possible to members of the blog. This is cool also. Members is a bigger version of followers/sign in provided by google.
Striking A Balance
This is a key blogging policy issue that's why I'm taking the time. Decisions as to what would be your page ranking by search engines certainly draws some giving level of influence from the amount of visitor replies you receive, healthy visitors anyway and healthy replies also. Why this stage is so important is that if you must get a ranking equal to your real page worth, then you need not only write good contents but also maintain reply bank that is healthy. And from the above explications,so far, their is yet no option their attaining these multi-faceted aim of a blogger; good number of replies,especially recommending and or praising your content. And no spam. None of the above options will give you what you want perfectly,hence i suggest a blending any two of those. I also go on to suggest that you employ 'Anyone' at the introduction stage of your blog. when it now start heading towards growth-maturity, with the amount of relationship you must have created with your blog readers,i think a change into a more secure and routine, yet vital to your blog ranking is necessary . Can now use either of 'followers' or 'members' to comment. It can also mean,that's at the growth stage,giving it all up to google.Here you only get punished for low quality contents since google accounts is the one moderating your replies for you,if their is any spam it's their fault.
4. Embedded is the normal comment boxes we see. static and always part of every post body but just after the post, The full page is talking about opening an entire new window for your comments, the pop up stuff is about a small window propping out like that fixing images to post said earlier, yes here the come up bearing the comment box,and lastly Hide means removing the comment box from your post bodies. Although it will/you will still be seeing it their, your visitor will not. Also remember that hiding the form will not hide or delete existing comments
5. Let this show icon images with light-box to yes. It gives your photos a more becoming for view to readers
6. Post template is about where you put down any word(s) phrases and just sentence you want to have appear automatically on your post editor any time you open it for writing. Note that it means you will be publishing all your post with this default text so long as you choose to maintain it
7 Show at most will give you a chance at determining/setting the number of all the posts you make that will always be seen your homepage/when people visit your post. You have no chance at lining it up the way you want because it happens randomly,but the only static thing will be that ,say you selected 8 posts the totality of this post will be seen on your front page.And then at the bottom of the page, viewers can click OLDER to see other posts. You could however let your posts(this 7 that must show first on home page according to your settings) show in the order you want them to. How? The first shall be the last principle is how web post are always queued up. So any post want to make your number 1 on homepage,publish it last.
Please Their are Options That Could not Fit into The Shot
You should see them when you log into blogger, I will solve those ones starting with number 8
8.Show comment verification,is a web best practice mechanism for fighting spam. Verifications are those letters you almost see in every website requiring a repeat by you. You will see scrabbles like ErdG556 and then you'er ask to rewrite it in the box below. It's a spam combating measure, set it to yes/allow
9. Backlinks are sites/blogs referring their readers to a content in your blog. A kind of citing,but unlike offline one,the reader is automatically drawn to your blog on clicking that link provided in the very post been read. Example of a backlink from my blog to Chitika,a company like google that gives you ads to display for them and for money will be........................we will talk about linking later. It's now asking you whether to show this backlinks, sites linking your post in comment area. As far as yes is cool,it's only when you got backlinks. Because if you don't and go ahead flaunting their it will only show''backlinks none'' which is not pretty good. The essence of asking you to show this in the first place is to kind of show off how rich your contents are to attract such backlinks, you know,it will definitly get visitors in,but when you got no(reasonable) backlinks why flaunt it? To show off your lack of readers/good content to refer to? I doubt.
10. Yep! Google will definitly not give you all the goodies above without a single chance to just move/influence/act on your visitor just on opening the comment box.Yes Comment message lives you the option of making some lines that would appear just above the comment box whenever a visitor opens it to comment. Bloggerdemmys' comment message goes ''We encourage our readers to kindly leave us comments as it would enable us serve you better.In cases needing urgent admin attention,we heartily encourage that you utilize our contact form;that way,we should get back to you eve faster.Bloggerdemmy team will be glad to see you again! ''..........Just get creative and make something, especially seeding/hidden statements/ impression