I encourage you to follow my steps in this process as i shall do it straight down to end. Why I'm like ignoring seemingly most important settings like designing your blog, headers , and installing gadgets/widgets is simply because you might not be able to get your calculations right in the designs and whatever if you fail to first
publish posts that potentially represents an entire view of your blog before before adjustments. It's good to design your blog only after publishing some posts that will give you a holistic spectacle of what your page actually looks like then you can design. This is because you might after rushing to make header of an exact pixel find out that,say your post body isn't just spacious enough to your test and you know what that means:if you must adjust blogger post body after making a header then be prepared to make another one (header) because the pixel will definitely change. So this is my argument for taking this tutorial in this direction
Hope that was cool
Now, we should all be very familiar with the above. Any one that have a nodding acquaintance of Microsoft word can effectively handle the above.hence shall i focus only on those features unique to this editor.
1. Blogger editor have two writing platforms for your posts: where you write plain texts/posts for people to read(that's compose) and where you write what browsers will read/web documents(HTML).The default of this two is COMPOSE because it's just the most important for bloggers to be able to write what visitors will read.
2. HTML is a web application programming language where you write things for browsers alone to read and implement.Of which The most common here is Creating Links>>> will talk more of linking later
That stand alone arrow descending down behind view blog.........my apologies for not numbering it...empty row with post title inside should house your post title and probably post description(will be your post description if you fail to appoint one) Post descriptions are what surfers will search on google/search engines to get your post
8. Is a panel for linking posts to one another and posts to another blog/website back and fort and vice versa. But i think it's pretty of low quality....true using it is simple and saves you the trouble of learning HTML linking tags , but the outcome of links set up by merely clicking that stuff is definitely unprofessional. Knowing the HTML will help you play with linking. Like i said above, i shall talk about linking later. The purpose of this place is to help you to just publish some articles that will be their to grace/make your page real when you design it. It's easier writing, say five articles than having to start redesigning an entire blog because of wrong judgement due to inaccurate measurements---a price five articles will have paid
9 You click that place to attach photos to your posts. When you click it open, the panel is virtually self-explanatory. If you have uploaded photo to facebook or any where before then you could. Just that it included web option. Where you put in the web address of a photo anywhere on-line (yes photos once you send them on-line automatically have an address assign to it.) Using a PC, visit the website you uploaded your picture point your cursor on top of the pics then hover it and see the address show below. Another way is by clicking the pics. Just click on top of the image and make it show large then look up into the address bar of your browser whatever address you see there is your pictures;yet another way is to open the photo and right click your mouse to see options:look for 'copy image address' and left click your mouse that's all then head back into blogger select image from a 'URL', enter the photos address and that's all. Note that it will first upload the photo right before you.Then (you)select the now blue ''SELECT'' option to have the photo produced automatically inside the editor.You can drag this image to any part of your post body just by pointing your mouse pointer on the image>>that's left holding your mouse atop the photo and simultaneously moving about your post body: it will follow you around. You could also resize the photo according to bloggers predetermined '' small, medium, large and X large options' here, you just left click your mouse without holding it. You should see a pale blue shadow cast over it (the photo) with the above options (small, medium....)listed therein. You can also give your photos caption here,just look at the right extreme of the same shadow, i think after REMOVE option. Remove means delete. Use it with care. Give your photos name. People search for photos in Google the way they search after articles---SEO Tip
30. When you want to include video to your post. Just the same process as number 9
10. You must have read articles/papers on-line,that's on news sites. Noticed that after reading about 4, 5 lines you will be prompt to click to continue reading; something like ">>Read More; Continue"" and the rest. Yes it makes your blog homepage look really professional. If you don't do it, just one article alone can cover what should be an entire front page and by the time you publish like six articles as static posts(that's the number you want allowed on your front page) the entire thing will have been a mile long. And i still do not encourage living only one or two static posts at the front page because it shows inefficiency. In the other hand, leaving about six posts as static on the front page without inserting jump breaks (this number 10) will have too many ugly consequences.Your page will not load fast, poor SEO ranking; big disappointment to post visitors, and poor page ranks
USE: just click at any spot you want to have this ''Read More'' shown and click jump break (that's this 10)
24. save your article to publish another day
22. preview how it will look on your homepage
23. close without saving anything. Use it with care. it can make waist your hours of hard-work
17 Label is how you make your posts have categories/chapters or fall into subtitles where whatever you write can be technically classified. Categories/labels of bloggerdemmy includes: Create/set up Blogger ; Templates & Designs; Blogging & SEO. NOTE: you must create contents for every label you desire to have before you can be able to. Will still come to this later.
18. Permalink automatically assigns links to your posts. Click it to see that exact link you can give to friends to enable them be directed to a single/giving post amidst numerous articles. It's also very helpful in linking. That's linking one post to another. Permalink is like the name/address given to every single post you publish.
19. Options about reader comments Html and the rest. More cool to live it default 20. Location.....
Pls note,like i said earlier, i did not attend to any trivial or very simple part of this editor
publish posts that potentially represents an entire view of your blog before before adjustments. It's good to design your blog only after publishing some posts that will give you a holistic spectacle of what your page actually looks like then you can design. This is because you might after rushing to make header of an exact pixel find out that,say your post body isn't just spacious enough to your test and you know what that means:if you must adjust blogger post body after making a header then be prepared to make another one (header) because the pixel will definitely change. So this is my argument for taking this tutorial in this direction
Hope that was cool
Now, we should all be very familiar with the above. Any one that have a nodding acquaintance of Microsoft word can effectively handle the above.hence shall i focus only on those features unique to this editor.
1. Blogger editor have two writing platforms for your posts: where you write plain texts/posts for people to read(that's compose) and where you write what browsers will read/web documents(HTML).The default of this two is COMPOSE because it's just the most important for bloggers to be able to write what visitors will read.
2. HTML is a web application programming language where you write things for browsers alone to read and implement.Of which The most common here is Creating Links>>> will talk more of linking later
That stand alone arrow descending down behind view blog.........my apologies for not numbering it...empty row with post title inside should house your post title and probably post description(will be your post description if you fail to appoint one) Post descriptions are what surfers will search on google/search engines to get your post
8. Is a panel for linking posts to one another and posts to another blog/website back and fort and vice versa. But i think it's pretty of low quality....true using it is simple and saves you the trouble of learning HTML linking tags , but the outcome of links set up by merely clicking that stuff is definitely unprofessional. Knowing the HTML will help you play with linking. Like i said above, i shall talk about linking later. The purpose of this place is to help you to just publish some articles that will be their to grace/make your page real when you design it. It's easier writing, say five articles than having to start redesigning an entire blog because of wrong judgement due to inaccurate measurements---a price five articles will have paid
9 You click that place to attach photos to your posts. When you click it open, the panel is virtually self-explanatory. If you have uploaded photo to facebook or any where before then you could. Just that it included web option. Where you put in the web address of a photo anywhere on-line (yes photos once you send them on-line automatically have an address assign to it.) Using a PC, visit the website you uploaded your picture point your cursor on top of the pics then hover it and see the address show below. Another way is by clicking the pics. Just click on top of the image and make it show large then look up into the address bar of your browser whatever address you see there is your pictures;yet another way is to open the photo and right click your mouse to see options:look for 'copy image address' and left click your mouse that's all then head back into blogger select image from a 'URL', enter the photos address and that's all. Note that it will first upload the photo right before you.Then (you)select the now blue ''SELECT'' option to have the photo produced automatically inside the editor.You can drag this image to any part of your post body just by pointing your mouse pointer on the image>>that's left holding your mouse atop the photo and simultaneously moving about your post body: it will follow you around. You could also resize the photo according to bloggers predetermined '' small, medium, large and X large options' here, you just left click your mouse without holding it. You should see a pale blue shadow cast over it (the photo) with the above options (small, medium....)listed therein. You can also give your photos caption here,just look at the right extreme of the same shadow, i think after REMOVE option. Remove means delete. Use it with care. Give your photos name. People search for photos in Google the way they search after articles---SEO Tip
30. When you want to include video to your post. Just the same process as number 9
10. You must have read articles/papers on-line,that's on news sites. Noticed that after reading about 4, 5 lines you will be prompt to click to continue reading; something like ">>Read More; Continue"" and the rest. Yes it makes your blog homepage look really professional. If you don't do it, just one article alone can cover what should be an entire front page and by the time you publish like six articles as static posts(that's the number you want allowed on your front page) the entire thing will have been a mile long. And i still do not encourage living only one or two static posts at the front page because it shows inefficiency. In the other hand, leaving about six posts as static on the front page without inserting jump breaks (this number 10) will have too many ugly consequences.Your page will not load fast, poor SEO ranking; big disappointment to post visitors, and poor page ranks
USE: just click at any spot you want to have this ''Read More'' shown and click jump break (that's this 10)
24. save your article to publish another day
22. preview how it will look on your homepage
23. close without saving anything. Use it with care. it can make waist your hours of hard-work
17 Label is how you make your posts have categories/chapters or fall into subtitles where whatever you write can be technically classified. Categories/labels of bloggerdemmy includes: Create/set up Blogger ; Templates & Designs; Blogging & SEO. NOTE: you must create contents for every label you desire to have before you can be able to. Will still come to this later.
18. Permalink automatically assigns links to your posts. Click it to see that exact link you can give to friends to enable them be directed to a single/giving post amidst numerous articles. It's also very helpful in linking. That's linking one post to another. Permalink is like the name/address given to every single post you publish.
19. Options about reader comments Html and the rest. More cool to live it default 20. Location.....
Pls note,like i said earlier, i did not attend to any trivial or very simple part of this editor