Tuesday 31 December 2013

Swap Blogger Post to Another Label

You can make a mistake of say, entering posts into the wrong label and want to amend it. Yes to err is human!....but do not think of deleting a label without deleting the posts therein
or would you rather bulge out human intestines without killing the man first?, even before the intestine is harvested, the man is far dead.
So do not delete problematic labels, what you do them is editing.


. You want to move a wrongly labelled post into the right label:

Removing post from a wrong label.:

 From blogger posts, edit the very post you wish to remove from a label into another label.
On editing the post, also click on labels, The posts current label will show in a box that will emerge with other label names under it,then just erase the labels name(the label you want to change) in the edited box and add the new one(an existing label from among the ones under the open box. Remember you are swapping posts in labels not creating brand new label)  you want to replace it with, which I'm sure will auto-fill as you are writing it because it already exists as a label.